Welcome to the Stress & Strength GmbH website. Our name is our mission - we are your competent partner for the numerical analysis of the structural durability of wheels. As a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF, we draw on the experience of renowned development engineers. And what can we do for you?
Stress & Strength welcomes you!
Your competence center for the development and distribution of LBF®.WheelStrength software offers expert advice on challenges concerning the service life of rotating chassis components.
You can find information on our application-oriented LBF®.WheelStrength software on the following pages. The software focusses on the numerical analysis of the structural durability of rotating chassis components in passenger cars and trucks. Using our software you can give your wheels and wheel hubs added security against failure, whilst creating cost-efficient designs.
If you have questions or require further information please contact us via our contact page.